
In this second episode for our short video series on YouTube we discuss learning Node.js with Jon Peck (@FluxSauce).

By Addison Berry on Oct. 21st, 2021

We've started a new short video series on YouTube where we discuss learning Node.js with experienced developers. It's a very informal chat on Zoom that we just recorded on the fly. We've started off talking with Anna Mykhailova (@sunnyenotick), who is one of the experts who created some of the tutorials on (the event loop section).

By Addison Berry on Jul. 26th, 2021

A new major version of Express.js is coming, the first major version bump since Express 4 was released in April of 2014. While Express 5 is a major version change in the SemVer sense, the Node.js framework remains largely the same.

By Jon Church on Aug. 7th, 2020

The community is redesigning the website. The current website hasn’t had a major overhaul since 2014. Node.js, its place in the industry, and the community around it have grown quite a bit in that time. This project relies on volunteers to bring it to life, and you can get involved to help provide a better home for the Node.js community.

By Jon Church on Jul. 22nd, 2020

By building a log to store exceptions and errors, we have a better chance of understanding bugs within our code as the users experience them. In this guest blog post by Luke Pate, learn how to write meaningful logs that explain your application and its activity to support future work by creating a simple Node API to capture requests and write exceptions to a logging file to be stored and viewed at a later time.

By Luke Pate on May. 6th, 2020

The modular system in Node.js allows developers to keep their code organized and clean, and promotes reusability of code and adoption of best practices across Node.js applications. In this guest blog post by @sunnyenotick, learn about the different types of modules, and how to use different modules in your own Node project.

By Anna Mykhailova on May. 6th, 2020

No matter how many precautions you take, you can never assume a database is impenetrable. Because cybercriminals use an array of resources in cyber attacks, a key step in password security is salting and hashing. In this guest tutorial by Michelle Selzer (@codingCommander), learn how to salt and hash a password using bcrypt.

By Michelle Selzer on Apr. 28th, 2020

We've now made access to all tutorials on Hey Node free. Anyone who signs up with an account can access our full course, Data Brokering with Node.js.

By Addison Berry on Apr. 27th, 2020

JSON Web Token (JWT) as an open standard for web security have been around for a while, and there are a lot of varying implementations across different languages. In this article, we’ll be focusing on JWT in the context of a Node.js application, specifically use cases and implementation options.

By Vanessa Osuka on Feb. 3rd, 2020

A comma-separated values (CSV) file is a plain text file that stores tabular data. The values are separated by commas. They can be used to collect or store information for various purposes. One of the ways I've used it was to collect user data from clients and then do a bulk update to the database. You may have a different use-case but want to know how to read data from a CSV file and how to output tabular data to a CSV file. In this post, I'll show you how to achieve those objectives with JavaScript, in Node.js.

By Peter Mbanugo on Feb. 3rd, 2020