Why Learn Node.js?

What’s so great about Node.js and why should you learn it? The reasons to learn Node.js are tightly coupled with the benefits of Node.js itself, which include:

  • Great for brokering data
  • A robust ecosystem in NPM
  • Event-driven architecture for asynchronous interactions
  • Low learning curve -- especially for the JavaScript-knowledgeable
  • Iterate quickly

Let's take a look at each of these benefits of Node.js.

The benefits of Node.js

With the rise of Node.js and its ever-expanding ecosystem, it can build the intermediary apps that will ensure that we are able to access data from wherever it is needed, in the format we need it.

Node.js benefits from the ecosystem of NPM packages for interacting with different data sources.

You can easily start connecting to almost any type of data source using packages available from NPM. This speeds up development because you don't have to write much low-level code for connecting to a data source. Find an NPM package which helps you connect to the type of data source you're using (HTTP API, websocket, MYSQL database, etc.) and you're ready to start writing code.

Event-driven design in Node.js

The event-driven design of Node.js also makes it a good choice for applications which need to sit and wait for interaction. Node.js consumes very few resources and can handle a large number of concurrent connections on a single thread. This is useful for data brokering applications because they often sit in the background waiting for interaction to occur. This event-driven model also works quite well in the world of serverless applications. In a serverless context, you're only paying for the time your code actually runs. Instead of maintaining additional servers in your stack, your Node.js code could run on a serverless platform and only run when there is data to process.

Already familiar with JavaScript?

Node.js also has a low learning curve, especially if you're familiar with JavaScript. If a developer is already working in JavaScript on the frontend, they can apply a lot of that knowledge to building applications with Node.js. This can effectively increase the number of backend developers on your team, and promote a full-stack experience for your developers. This remains a very attractive feature of Node.js. Developers can be productive both on the frontend and backend because they both have JavaScript in common.

Quickly build and iterate

Lastly, Node.js makes quick iteration possible. This is partly because of the NPM ecosystem we already mentioned and the vast number of tools available within it. If you use this robust ecosystem effectively, it is possible to get a Node.js project up and running without needing to write the application from the ground up. Furthermore, by using tools available on NPM, we can reduce the overall amount of code that needs to be written and reduce the time-to-market cycle inherent in building software.

Ready to get started?

Need more convincing? Check out these free tutorials to get a taste of what you can do with Node.js:

By Jon Church
  • Oct. 17th, 2019

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Hey, Node enthusiasts! We’re excited to share with you the next 13 tutorials in our Data Brokering with Node.js series focusing on implementing an ETL pipeline (extract, transform, and load) in Node applications. While we’re still recording videos for these tutorials, the written versions are complete and ready for you today. So why wait?

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A year and change ago, I joined Osio Labs as a marketing coordinator, jumping headfirst into a new role, new company, and a new distributed work lifestyle. But newest of all was learning the value of what we sell: technology knowledge. How do you communicate that? How do you differentiate yourself in a crowded market?

Because understanding that is central to my job, I needed to learn what happens to tutorials during technical review. Jon Peck, technical reviewer for Hey Node, kindly obliged. It turns out, an online tutorial is a small chunk of ice, and the process to make one is an iceberg built of Trello cards. What follows is an excerpt from our interview.

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