All Content Is Now Free!
As of today, all Hey Node content is free. Anyone who signs up with an account can access the tutorials as much, and as often, as they like. Over the last year, we’ve worked hard to create high-quality tutorials about Node.js in both written and video formats. We’re proud to share that work with the Node.js community and make it widely available to anyone who’s looking to know more about how to work with Node.js beyond the basics.
We’re very thankful to our customers who supported this work, and to the amazing team of experts who we collaborated with to write, review, edit, and publish its content. It’s been exciting to meet so many great people and work on a shared vision of Node.js learning resources.
Supporting open source
Our company has deep roots in open source—our name, Osio Labs, stands for Open Source Inside and Out. We believe in the empowerment that open source provides and we’re lucky to be able to work with so many great projects and communities. We’ve learned a lot from the Node community and we’re happy to support it through volunteer time with the CommComm (Node.js Community Committee) and Express triage, as well as providing these free tutorials.
Sign up for a free account to gain access to all of our Node.js tutorials.